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The Problem

The absorption of water by porous supports placed on the facade is one of the main causes, direct or indirect, of the chemical, physical and biological degradation of materials. Both rainwater (driving rain, runoff water) and condensation moisture contribute to this phenomenon.

The water and the polluting agents conveyed by it exert their degrading action also on the metal parts found on the facade, causing oxidation and relative leakage in the areas below.

The Solution

Protection of the materials on the façade is carried out using specific chemicals. It is important to use products that do not form a harmful surface film that is not permeable to steam, which would lead to condensation forming and subsequent detachment of the surface layer of the stone.

CIR products are water repellents and breathable and strongly limit the absorption of water, and the pollutants it carries, into the material.

The Problem

The Problem

Remove pollutants with the specific cleaner (see RESTORATION - CLEANING sheet)
Proceed, if appropriate, with consolidation operations (see RESTORATION - CONSOLIDATION sheet)
On a clean, dry surface, apply two coats of the protective product of your choice from BIO PT15, IDROSTOP NEW, CIRLAK

CIR Products Advantages

  • Highly water repellent and breathable
  • They respect the treated materials, without altering them
  • Excellent resistance to atmospheric agents, pollutants and oxygen
  • Stable to UV rays,do not yellow
  • They don’t create harmful by-products

The Technician Advises

Before carrying out the protective treatment of a surface it is necessary to check each time the absorption of the support, in order to evaluate which product to choose, whether solvent based or water based, and to always operate on a clean and perfectly dry surface.