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The Problem

The degradation mechanism due to salt efflorescence is a consequence of the crystallization pressure of some salts, which significantly increase their volume during the transition to the solid phase; the pressures caused within the pores are such as to exceed the resistance capacity of the material and the result is the continuous erosion and disintegration of the surface layers of the materials, causing fragmentation and in extreme cases the pulverization of the stone.

The Solution

The resolving and conservative intervention of the problem involves the complete removal of the efflorescence present on the surface and if possible also the extraction of the salts within the materials themselves. Furthermore, it is essential to resolve the causes that cause the crystallization of salts with targeted and definitive interventions.

If the salt problem is mainly caused by the interaction between the material and the external environment, after the cleaning operations it is necessary to hydrophobicize the affected surfaces in order to keep the salts in solution inside the materials, thus avoiding their crystallization outside.

Our Products

Our Products

Dry brush the surfaces affected by efflorescences
If necessary, apply ESTRATTORE DI SALI
Complete salt removal with PULI AC
Apply, on a clean and dry surface, the protective ANTISALI A

CIR Products Advantages

  • Broad spectrum of action on all types of salts
  • They do not alter the porosity of the supports
  • They do not leave deposits of harmful by-products
  • Protective with high water-repellent capabilities

The Technician Advises

In order to carry out a resolutive intervention of the problem it is necessary to analyze and address the root cause that lead the salts to come out.